If you have recently unlocked bootloader, you might have come across warning bootloader message that comes up every time you start your Galaxy Tab A7 Lite android tablet.

Here’s how to remove bootloader warning from your Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite.
You will need Terminal app like termux and magisk patched recovery which will give you temporary root. Now follow these steps.
Download the Param file and move it to download folder (internal storage).
Download terminal (you can use termux).
Start terminal and gain root access using “su”.
Type / copy this command into the terminal
dd if=/storage/emulated/0/Download/up_param.tar of=/dev/block/platform/bootdevice/by-name/up_param
Now, reboot to recovery / system and you are done – you’ve successfully removed bootloader warning. Keep in mind that this warning only appeared to users who had unlocked their bootloader.
You can also remove unlocked bootloader. You will have to flash param file that is only meant for Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite – do not flash param files for any other android tablet, including Samsung tabs.