You can now download TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 snapdragon version. Using this TWRP on Snapdragon S8, you will be able to flash custom ROMs and root your tablet. The only bug is that encryption is not fully working so if you need that you would have to wait.

Supported variants include X906B, X906C, X906N, X900, X806B, X806C, X806N, X800.
This TWRP is different from the one available earlier. Here are the steps on how to download and flash TWRP on snapdragon S8 tablet.
- Unlock your bootloader.
- Downloads for Tab S8: gts8u twrp, gts8p twrp , gts8 twrp and kernel
- Reboot to download mode
- Put the TWRP TAR for your device with Odin in the AP slot, vbmeta_disabled_R.tar in USERDATA slot and click start.
- Reboot to recovery via recovery key combo (Vol up + power + USB connected).
- Disable encryption:
- Go to Advanced > Terminal, type: multidisabler.
If vendor complain about free space left on device, will attempt to resize vendor. and it ask to – Run multidisabler again. - Type: multidisabler again. will see – Finished. when done.
- Go back to Wipe > Format Data > type yes.
- Reboot to recovery.
- Flash custom kernel and magisk apk in twrp.
- Reboot to system.