Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite is a stellar tablet but you can unlock more functionalities of it by installing TWRP, a type of custom recovery.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite is a stellar tablet but you can unlock more functionalities of it by installing TWRP, a type of custom recovery.
If you have kids playing with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, you might want to have this kids mode feature that lets kids play with the tablet without deleting or modifying anything. Kids mode allows parents to control applications and media and even set time limits for each day. This is only for stock Galaxy Tab 3 stock kitkat ROM. Only for T31x variant.
This mod for Galaxy Tab 3 comes with kids camera, media viewer and sound recorder. It also has kids launcher and parental controls. You can of course, download more applications to be included Kids Store or allow access to any downloadable application from the Play Store.
To flash it, download the package from here; put them in root of internal storage and flash it in TWRP Galaxy Tab 3 custom recovery. It works only with Android 4.4.2 operating system and it won’t even work with the android 4.4.4 OS.
After installing the package, you will find its icon in app drawer of your Galaxy Tab 3.
Samsung Galaxy Tab tablets were introduced immediately after the launch of the Apple iPad. It was Korean’s giant answer to the iPad which brought revolution to the world of tablets. The first Samsung android tablet to hit the market was the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
This was quite a revolutionary product at the time. It had beautiful and large 10.1 inch screen with 1280×800 pixel resolution. It had built in 3G to keep you connected on the move. Storage was 16GB which was enough in 2011. It was thinner than the first generation iPad and it sold in huge numbers. This was mainly due to the fact that people were waiting for an android tablet that could give iPad a run for its money.
A lot of people were buying it just because they could watch videos and sports on the move. People like to watch football, cricket, golf on their big screen tablets like Galaxy Tab. You can only enjoy so much on a tiny screen of iPhone and the experience on a Samsung Galaxy Tab is miles better. If you are into sports betting, your experience will be better as you have a bigger display and a bigger onscreen software keyboard to play with. The future of sports betting is definitely mobile, especially on galaxy tab tablets since they too run android operating system. This very OS is on the verge of becoming the most popular operating system.
Galaxy Tab comes with various live streaming betting apps which lets you increase or decrease your bets depending on your favorite team’s ongoing game play. Bettors are able to stream any match or game they wager on. There are some betting apps for galaxy tab that let you listen to audio-only commentary as well which is useful if you are in low data converge area. Pair that with a wearable and you could be best in your business.
After the first generation Samsung Galaxy Tab, the company released Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 along with few other smaller tablets with 8.9 and 7.7 inch screens. These did not get good response from users as Samsung did not increase the RAM which was expected. It was still 1GB which was just not enough to run multiple applications concurrently.
Samsung figured this out and released Galaxy Tab 3 with 2GB RAM. This very model came with three screen options – 7”, 8” and 10.1”. All enjoyed excellent response and sold in good numbers as well.
User experience with the Galaxy Tab tablets improved as the advancements in processors, memory management and operating system were done. For instance, the Android honeycomb had special focus on tablets and this made the tablets more useful. There were apps that were made for tablets’ big screen, resolution and screen real estate in mind and all these things made the end user experience much better.
Samsung got a lot of controversy when they released the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 android tablet with a gig of memory. While we cannot upgrade the RAM as it is on the chipset, it is possible to get create a virtual memory or a swap that will give you better performance while doing multitasking and memory hogging operations. This process requires you to root your Tab 3 10.1 as you will be making changes in system files.
Here are the steps on how to do it.
1. Create a swap file.
2. Create a script file to run at boot from your /system/etc/init.d directory.
3. Create a android system with 1GB of RAM and 1GB of swap file virtual memory.
And below we have explained the entire steps in detail.
Download terminal emulator from play store. Open it and type in these commands.
cd /system
mount -o rw,remount /system
dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1m count=600
mkswap swapfile
chmod 755 swapfile
Now, we will be creating a script that will execute at boot everytime you use the tablet. For this, I used an app called quickedit which is available for free from playstore. Make a new file by the name of ‘swap’ and save it in /sdcard.
mount -o rw,remount /system
swapon /system/swapfile
Go back to terminal and type these commands.
mv /sdcard/swap /system/etc/init.d
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/swap
Reboot and swap file will be created.
Aftermarket firmware for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 is available. It is available in cyanogens mod flavour which means you get vanilla android with no bloatware or skin installed. You get Google’s own launcher that is fast, light and smoother as well. To install the cm13 on your Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, you will need a custom recovery for tab 3 10.1 android tablet.
Here are the features of this amazing firmware.
Automatic brightness
Change Color profile
Change mDNIe scenario
Enable/disable mDNIe negative mode
Enable/disable capacitive keys
Change capacitive keys width
Buttons backlight on screen touch or key touch only
Smart cover lock/unlock
F2FS and exFAT support
Houdini (allows to install arm only apps on this x86 device)
Updated ZRAM support with LZ4 compression for maximum memory and speed
Updated Xbox Controller driver
Updated interactive CPU governor
Available CPU governors: powersave, interactive, performance, ondemand
Available I/O schedulers: noop, deadline, cfq, bfq (v7r8), fiops
Available battery modes (CM power profiles): power save, balanced, performance
The only thing that is not working with this ROM is chromecast, permissive SElinux and level 1 DVD hardware security.
After the installation of this ROM, you may want to root your android tablet. You can do so by following these instructions.
* Go to ‘Settings/About tablet’
* Tap 7 times on ‘Build number’. Go back. Go to ‘Developer options’
* Tap on ‘Root access’ and select ‘Apps only’.
Here are the installation instructions.
Copy ROM to SDCard
Copy Houdini to SDCard
Copy GApps to SDCard
Boot into recovery
Backup EFS partition
Wipe -> Advanced Wipe -> Dalvik Cache + System + Cache + Data
Install ROM
Install Houdini
Install GApps
First start takes a long time .
A custom firmware from XDA that is based on android kitkat 4.4.1 is available for the cheap android tablet, Samsung Galaxy tab Lite 7.0. It is based on T113XXU0APH5 and totally debloated which means you won’t find any useless application on it and thus, more free storage. It knox-free and even has the official Samsung update removed.
This ROM is great for those who are looking for a lite ROM that is non bloated like the stock ROM. Everything is working on this ROM. The developer has removed boot sound and comes pre rooted with super SU. Infact, busybox comes preinstalled on it. Over the stock ROM, scrolling is better and so is the video acceleration and hardware debugging. RAM management is better too.
Installation instructions:
* Install TWRP for Galaxy Tab 3 Lite 7.0
* Copy the zip FyrestoneROM_T113_XXXXX into your SD Card.
* Reboot into Recovery mode.
* Wipe System, Data, Cache, Dalvik.
* Optional – Wipe Internal Storage.
* Install FyrestoneROM_T113_XXXXX.
* Reboot and wait about 5 minutes.
Thunderoar kernel for SM-T113 Galaxy Tab 3 Lite 7.0 Wifi is now available that lets you overclock it. This is great since the Galaxy Tab 3 Lite is not a powerful performer. The only bug is that camera would not work after installing this custom kernel. Here are the features of this kernel.
Overclocked upto 1650MHz
Deffered Timer
USB Fast Charge
Powersuspend for battery life/saving
QuickWakeup for battery life/saving
CPU Boost driver
Dynamic Sync Control
Fsync control on/off
Voltage Tweak
NVS hibernate driver
LZ4 compression support
Snappy compression library (v3)
Added scheduler:
Deadline, cfq,
sio, sio-plus I/O scheduler
Added CPU governors:
darkness, sprdemand, powersave, conservative,
userspace, ondemand, lagfree, adaptive, intelliactive, minmax
Installation instructions:
* Download the kernel from here
* Choose the latest version
* Reboot into recovery (recommended to make a nandroid)
* Flash the kernel zip and reboot.
Custom recovery for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite T116 is available and that will open doors for custom ROMs and all other sorts of hacks. We will also show you how to root Tab 3 Lite 7.0. There is not a lot of development or this android tablet and we one of the few blogs covering about it. Anyway, here is how you download and install TWRP custom recovery on it.
* Download the twrp recovery from here – select tar format
* you will be upgrading to v3 manually.
* Download Odin v3.10 from here and copy them to a place you know on ur pc such as Desktop
* Boot your Tab 3 lite to download mode by: pressing “power + home + vol down”
* open Odin.exe and connect your tab and press volume up. At this stage Odin should recognise your device.
* UNTICK AUTO REBOOT or you wont be able to enter recovery. Tap pn AP and go to the recovery you downloaded. Select it. Press on Start to begin the flashing process.
* After Odin flashes the recovery it will tell you Pass. Now, when the screen goes black change and hold HOME + VOLUME UP and this will make you Tab 3 Lite 7.0 enter TWRP.
1. Download Chainfire’s SuperSu flashable zip from here
2. Reboot to recovery and allow TWRP to make modifications to the system partition.
3.1. Select install
3.2. navigate to your supersu zip: /sdcard/* or /extsdcard/*
4.1. select it
4.2. swipe to confirm
4.3. select wipe cache/dalvik and reboot.
Now you have a Custom Recovery and you are rooted.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-t217t gets MIUI7 and you can download it from here. The firmware is very stable and has multi language support. Its super fast, quick to boot, and offers great user interface. What so great about it is the fact you can find lot of MIUI themed icons from the playstore apps. It even has permission management. MIUI7 for Galaxy Tab 3 is also pre rooted so no need to separately root Galaxy Tab 3 7.0.
If you are using an app that requires root permissions, follow this. To grant root permission open the app that need root permission, will say you have not root access. Now go to "Security" App (MIUI) -> Permissions -> Root Access, and grant root to that app. Alternatively, you can go to individual apps. For that go to “security” app > permissions and you will find a lot of options there. You can install an OTA manually too – just download the zipped download onto your storage and then go into the Galaxy Tab 3 TWRP recovery to flash it. Here is to install the ROM.
– Download The ROM and OPEN GAPPS 4.4 arm pico (
– Download
– Download The kernel from here
– Boot into Recovery (TWRP)
– Make Backup
– Wipe / Factory Reset
– Flash
* Kernel
– Reboot System
*After Successful reboot Now Flash The Pico The KK GApps
*After it boots you’ll see FC of AOSP keyboard Go to setting and disable The AOSP keyboard and download another keyboard from playstore.
This MIUI7 for Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 (sm-t217t) is near flawless but the stock camera for some reason is not working. No need to worry as download camera 360 from playstore will make it functional again. Also when the system boots, the AOSP force closes so download any third party keyboard from playstore.
An XDA developer user has released a Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 ROM called Elastic ROM that is based on stock deodexed p5200 and p5210 ROM and brings myriad Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 features on the table. To flash it on your Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, you will need to have TWRP from the links given at the bottom of the article.
Installation instructions:
Step 1 – Download and put Rom, Supersu, and Gapps on SD Card
Step 2 – Wipe User Data
Step 3 – Flash Rom
Step 4 – Flash Supersu
Step 5 – Flash Gapps package
Step 6 – Wipe cache and dalvik
Step 7 – Reboot Device (Will take a few minutes on first boot)
Super Fast
Note 5 Iocns
S6 Toggles
Note 5 Sounds – Boot animation
Tab 4 launcher without google search
Tab 4 Weather widget
Build prob Tweaks
Note 5 and S6 Wallpapers
Bravia Engine 4
Replaced Clock and Calculator with google clock and material calculator
Added Lite Clean master
Tab S File Manger
Note 4 Memo
S5 SPlanner
There are some minor bugs in this ROM though:
* Can’t Change Lockscreen Wallpaper From Touchwiz Launcher
* You have to flash Super Su and Google Gapps pico version
* Messaging app in v3.1 P5210 version Force closes
> go to settings and force stop it
Download links:
Resurrection Remix Android 6 Marshmallow ROM is now available for download for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 android tablet. Available for all three variants including T310, T311 and T315, it brings combination of performance, customization, power along with myriad new features to your device. Few days back, we released Android 6 Marshmallow ROM for the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 and finally we have a ROM for Tab 3 8.0 users – I’m sure they will be very happy now. Here is how you install it:
– TWRP for Galaxy Tab 3 8.0. Download it from here.
– Copy GApps and ResurrectionRemix-M ZIPs [t310, t311, t315] to your internal or external SDCard
– Boot into Recovery
– Flash ResurrectionRemix-M zip
– Flash GApps zip – get them from
– Reboot
There is no need to flash super SU as it is already included in the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 Resurrection Remix Android 6 Marshmallow ROM. What does not work – video camera and after flashing of ROM, it says “optimizing this app”.
Here are its list of features:
* Navigation Bar
* Enable / Disable Navbar
* Navbar Ring Switch
* Navbar Ring Targets
* Navbar Button Customization
* Navbar Dimensions(Potrait & Landscape)
* Statusbar
* Brightness Slider
* Enable / Disable Show Notification Count
* SuperUser Indicator Switch
* Carrier Label
* Carrier Label Switch
* Carrier label Colour
* Quick PullDown Switch
* Smart Pulldown Switch
* Clock Customizations
* Time & date
* Clock Colour
* Day & date Toogle
* Center Clock / Right Clock Choice
* Battery
* Battery Bar customization
* Battery Icon Customization(circle / landscape / Potrait and more)
* Battery % Text
* Network Traffic Indicator
* Theme Chooser
* Animations
* Toast Animations
* ListView Animations
* System Animations
* Gestures
* Gestures Anywhere Feature
* App Circle Bar
* Choose apps in App circle
* Trigger Width
* Trigger Hieght
* Trigger Position
* Recents Panel
* Clear All button Switch
* Clear All Tasks Switch
* Clear All Button Location(Top right,Top Left,Top Center,Bottom Left,Bottom Right,Bottom Center)
* Cclock Widget
* CLock And Alarm Customizations
* Weather Panel Customizations
* Calender Events
* LockScreen
* Lockscreen Shortcuts
* Choose upto 5 Shortcuts
* 100+ Icons for Shortcuts
* Quick Slider Shortcuts
* Notification Drawer
* Weather Display Switch
* Quick Settings
* Choice to Add 20+ Tiles
* Enable 2 / 3 / 4 Tiles per Row
* Enable Disable Birghtness Slider in Notification Panel
* Advanced Location Settings Switch(Choose Battery saving / Device Only / High Accuracy Directly in Notification Panel)
* LongPress Toogles to Enter Settings
* Buttons
* Backlight Timer
* Backlight Strength
* Navigation Bar left / Right handed mode Switch
* Power Menu
* Power Menu End Calls Switch
* Home Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
* Home Button Wake Up
* Home Button answer call
* Long Press Actions
* Double Tap Actions
* Back Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
* Wake Up device Switch
* Menu Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
* Wake Up Device Switch
* Short Press Actions
* Long Press Actions
* Search Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
* Wake Up Device
* Short Press Action
* Long Press Action
* Volume Buttons
* Wake Up Device
* Playback Control
* Keyboard Cursor Control
* Swap Buttons on Landscape mode
* Perfomance Profiles
* LCD Density
* Expanded Desktop Mode
* All New CM Audio FX App
* Heads Up Customizations
* OverAll Smoothness Improvements
* Quick Unlock
* Optimizations to Improve Battery
* ALL cm13 Features
Custom ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 is available for download. This ROM is built by talented developers at XDA and is feature packed.
TranchidaKat kitkat ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0:
ROM is based off the Latest Stock Official Italy T210XXBNL1 version Odin Firmware Samsung Touchwiz Rom and is based on 4.4.2 KitKat Software
ROM is rooted by default and is also completely Deodexed
App Ops Included in the settings app of the ROM
Custom boot animation zip support included in the ROM
4 way reboot power menu Mod included in the ROM
Android L custom boot animation included in the ROM
This Rom uses the Stock SM-T210 Kernel that does not have IR Blaster Support for SM-T210R users
Included Viper4android app audio mod in the ROM to enhance the tablets sound
Included Google Keyboard app in the ROM
Removed annoying Low Battery popup and sound in the ROM
Removed annoying safe media volume warning popup in the ROM
Disabled home button wake for lockscreen in the ROM
Included Google Play Books app in the ROM
This ROM works for both SM-T210 and SM-T210R users
S-voice app is included in the ROM
All apps are either system apps or data apps in the ROM
Fast, smooth, and fully stable ROM experience for SM-T210 and SM-T210R users
All Apps and Mods in the ROM are up to date to their latest versions as of 1/5/2016
Supersu Beta v2.52 app included in the ROM for root access
Google Play Music app included in the ROM
Samsung Link app included in the ROM
Google Play Games app included in the ROM
Weekly or Monthly updates will be provided for this ROM
Installation instructions for Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 Android Kitkat ROM:
1. Download a Tab 3 7.0 custom recovery and flash it via odin, I recommend the TWRP KitKat v2.8.2.0 recovery. Then Download my latest TranchidaKat v5.3 ROM Build.
2. In recovery first backup your current ROM (very important)
3. In recovery mode if you have TWRP just wipe everything but internal storage and external sd card. If you are using latest TWRP Recovery please make sure after you wipe you uncheck mount system in twrp mount menu.
4. Now in your recovery install my TranchidaKat v5.3 ROM from internal or external sdcard, you should wait at least 3 to 10 minutes for the ROM to install.
Custom recovery for any android device including tablet or phone allows one to flash custom firmwares, ROMs and all sorts of hacks. Same are now available for the T110, T210, T211, T217T versions of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 android tablet. Download links are given at the bottom of this post.
You can flash the Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 TWRP CWM recoveries using ODIN tool. This is a desktop tool that lets you flash a custom recovery. Only after that, you will be able to flash your device.
Download links:
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite TWRP custom recovery is available for download. You will also attain root on Galaxy Tab 3 Lite tablet. Both variants T111 and T110 are supported. You must flash it using ODIN which is a desktop app for flashing custom ROMs and recoveries. Galaxy Tab 3 Lite specs were leaked back in 2014 and it packed slightly inferior specifications compared to the Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 android tablet. Here are the flashing instructions.
1. Flash TWRP with ODIN. All download links are given at the bottom of this article. Download TWRP file on the desktop and click on the AP button and browse for the file you just downloaded.
2. Reboot system into download mode and connect to the computer using USB cable. Now in the ODIN app, click on the Start button. You can flash this TWRP over CWM as well. Also you can install super SU straight from TWRP to attain root. Just grab the package from super SU website.
Download links:
Download Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Marshmallow Android 6 ROM. An xda developer user has churned out a a custom ROM that lets you get latest version of android which is v6 marshmallow on the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 tablet. The ROM is a no-frill ROM and is based on pure AOSP experience. You need at least TWRP to flash this Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Marshmallow Android 6 ROM.
* Copy ROM to SDCard
* Copy GApps to SDCard. I prefer opengapps.
* Copy SuperSU to SDCard, downloadable from here.
* Boot into custom recovery like TWRP.
* Backup EFS partition
* Wipe -> Advanced Wipe -> Dalvik Cache + System + Cache + Data
* Install ROM
* Install GApps
* Install SuperSU
* Reboot
* First start takes a long time
Almost everything is working on this Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Marshmallow Android 6 ROM except for chromecast, houdini, RIL, MHL, secure videos like widevine, HW audio decoding and permissive SELinux.